Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Wow, how are we half way through October already? Time really does fly when you're having fun! Thank you to all the parents that came out to conferences. It is our privilege to get to work with your children. Thank you for sharing them with us!

Last week my class got a chance to Skype with a class from South Carolina for the start of our Global Read Aloud. Both of our classes are currently reading Fish In A Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt. As we read the book we will be discussing it with our partner class. Next week, Mrs. Haglin will be coming into teach us about Kid Blog, and we will be posting questions and comments about the book for our partner class to respond to. It is a very cool project, and allows us to go outside our classroom without really going outside our classroom! 

This week all classes participated in performing readers' theaters in reading class. Everybody did a great job and it was really fun to watch. When we come back from break we will be working on main idea, and eventually our first book club. I hope everybody had a fantastic fall break, and remember to keep READING! 

Skype Session w/ a class from South Carolina